Carpet Cleaning

Carpet Cleaning Lithgow

Did you know that one square foot of carpet can contain almost half a kilogram of dirt before it’s visible to you?

Your carpet might seem like it’s clean enough, but there’s likely dirt and grime lurking deep in between the fibres that you’re not even aware of. Food scraps, soil and debris from our feet, pets and even our own dead skin cells all collect in our carpets. Building up over time, this can result in an extremely unsanitary environment for you and your family.

Keep Your Carpet Looking Fresh

With Euphoric Utopia’s professional carpet cleaning services, we’ll have your floors looking, feeling and smelling better than they ever have before. The specialised hot water extraction cleaners we use combined with the expertise of our qualified staff allow for a comprehensive removal of all the embedded dirt and surface stains. The advanced process we use involves: shampooing the carpet, injecting in warm water, extracting the water and then completely drying the carpet to finish.

Is Dry Cleaning Or Steaming Better?

Euphoric Utopia offers both carpet steam cleaning and carpet dry cleaning. However, we strongly recommend steam cleaning in almost all cases. Our state of the art steam cleaning technology provides a much more thorough clean, drawing out the deeply embedded dirt and grime. And if you’re worried about your carpets remaining wet, steam cleaning leaves a near dry finish upon completion.

Residential Cleaning Services

If it’s more than just your carpets that need cleaning, we’ve got you covered. Euphoric Utopia offers a range of other residential and commercial cleaning services that includes:
If you’re looking for a truly superior clean for your carpets, upholstery or any part of your home, contact us today.
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